On the Cover: Graphic Simulation's upcoming simulation F/A-18 Hornet configured for night ops. Note: Image on cover is not actual screen size. February 1993 Volume 1 - Issue 1.0 (Disk-Version) Welcome to the inaugural issue of Inside Mac Games (IMG), a monthly electronic magazine devoted to the Macintosh gaming enthusiast. In the past year, the Macintosh gaming market has seen an influx of flight simulators including Hellcats, Red Baron, Falcon MC, Flight Simulator 4.0, and others. In light of this, our first issue focuses primarily on flight simulators. And the future looks bright indeed: in March or April, F/A-18 Hornet is scheduled to be released! And the latest news is that Microprose is working on F117A Stealth Fighter and Dynamix on Aces of the Pacific. You can be sure that IMG will continue to provide the latest breaking news, interviews, hot reviews, and concise tips and information to help you get the most out of your Mac gaming. Butof course we can't do it without your help. So if you like what you see, please subscribe using the subscription form on the last page. We hope you enjoy the magazine as much as we enjoy playing games on the Macintosh. We would like IMG to become the BEST Macintosh Gaming Magazine—bar none. If you have any suggestions, compliments, complaints, etc., please drop us a note. —Tuncer Deniz, Jon A. Blum, Managing Editors The IMG Game Rating Guide √ - Terrible √√ - Poor √√√ - Good √√√√ - Excellent √√√√√ - Sublime Managing Editors Tuncer Deniz Jon A. Blum Senior Editors Brian J. Thomas Steven J. Freitas Christopher A. Myrick Reginald B. Milton Art Director Jon A. Blum How to Reach Us We love to get mail! Send letters, comments, suggestions, ideas, games, subscriptions, etc., to: Inside Mac Games Magazine™ 3862 Grace Lane Glenview, IL 60025 or E-mail us: America On-line: IMGames CompuServe: 71554,2761 Genie: T.Deniz1 Internet: IMGames@AOL.com Subscriptions The on-line version of Inside Mac Games is available free on America Online, CompuServe, and Genie in their respective Macintosh game sections, as well as in various Internet FTP sites. If you like IMG and read it frequently, please subscribe. Without your support IMG cannot survive. There are two subscription offers. For $12/year we will upload 12 issues (one per month) of the on-line version of IMG to your mailbox at one of the on-line services listed above. The disk version of IMG is $20/year for 12 issues and will be delivered by US Mail. The disk and on-line version subscription rates are effective until March 1st, 1993. After March 1st, subscriptions will be increased to $18 and $24/year respectively. So place your order before March 1st to take advantage of this special introductory pricing. If we receive your order before February 19, 1993 we will include your name in a drawing for a free copy of F/A-18 Hornet. Drawing held on February 20, 1993. Please make checks and money orders payable to: Inside Mac Games On-Line Version • Inside Mac Games Magazine Disk Version • Special Edition of Inside Mac Games Magazine with even more reviews, articles, Quicktime clips, screen shots, and tips. • Shareware Game of the Month • Patchers and Updaters for popular games • And much, much more! Legal Mumbo Jumbo Copyright ©1993 Inside Mac Games (hereafter IMG). All Rights Reserved. Material in this publication may not be reproduced in any form without permission of Inside Mac Games. Please write for reprint permissions. Apple, Mac, and Macintosh is a registered trademark of Apple Computer Inc. Inside Mac Games is not affiliated in any way with Apple Computer Inc. All products or services mentioned in this publication are trademarks of their respective owners. Inside Mac Games is not responsible for any damage or loss to your data or your equipment that results from the use of information or instructions contained in this magazine. Current subscription rates are $12/year for the on-line version, $20/year for the disk version. Opinions expressed in this publication by the contributors do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the editors, IMG, or the organizations with which the contributors are affiliated, nor should publication of contributors' viewpoints or identification of materials or products be construed as endorsement by this publication or its editors. We told you it was a bunch of mumbo jumbo! Distribution Please do not distribute the disk version of Inside Mac Games. Doing so is a violation of copyright law. However, you may freely distribute the on-line version available on America Online, CompuServe, GEnie and any local bulletin board system. Distribution on CD-ROM, and other high capacity media is also prohibited without written permission. In addition, this magazine may not distributed in printed form. If you have any questions regarding distribution please drop us a note. Writing for IMG If you would like to write articles, reviews, tips, tactics, rumors, or other fun stuff, E-mail Inside Mac Games on AOL, CompuServe or Genie or send us a letter to the above address. Let us know and we will send you our writers' guidelines. All submissions are the property of IMG and will not be returned unless prior arrangements have been made. All submissions will be considered for inclusion.